We are pleased to share this invitation with you to an event for men of all ages in our community, Men's Night Out.
Reputable speakers will make presentations and then lead discussions on important issues affecting our community in their areas of expertise. These include mental health issues, funeral policies (what will happen when you die?), developing an entrepreneur mindset, and dealing with unresolved conflict.
- Date: Saturday, March 4th, 2017
- Time: 5:30 pm
- Venue: Common Room, 3077 Lakeshore Blvd West, Etobicoke M8V 1K7
- Food: A traditional Zimbabwe meal will be served for $15 per person (cow foot, tripe, oxtail, samoosas etc). Bring your own favorite drink.
- Please RSVP: text (647) 703-4472 for catering purposes.
Men, let us meet to discuss and share ideas that can make us more effective in leading our families, friends and even workmates. Together we can share professional knowledge, share ideas and learn from each other.
Ladies, please encourage your male partners/friends to attend. Please share and invite others.
We are stronger together.