Monday, February 27, 2012

Community Support Group steadily achieving its 90-Day business plan

The community support group is steadily achieving its 90-day plan. With 30 days to go, the group has established the internal administrative structures, has applied for charitable status with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and initiated a mentorship program with the Kenyan Community in Ontario (KCO). It has developed a blog, conducted an online survey and has just completed holding a focus group session.

The members have validated the results of the online survey, which provides the executive committee with a clearer understanding of your needs and priorities so that we can concentrate on those specific issues, programs and services that matter to you. Zimbabwe Canadian Support Group Chair, Pastor Elliot Gaza reflected on the progress, “These are step by step processes that we are putting in place as we build our organization. Our progress is also helped by the tremendous amount of support that we are getting from the members”.

The next step after the focus groups will be a strategic planning session on the last weekend of March, which will entail defining a plan aimed at creating a desired future for our community support group. “We are close to finishing the business planning phase and are now moving into the implementation stage”, said Pastor Gwaza.
In the spring and summer, our support group will be inviting the Zimbabwe community to participate in many interesting and exciting workshops and events that will make a difference in our lives. Watch this space for more details.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Summer Internship Program

The 2012 Summer Internship Program is currently seeking highly motivated, energetic and dedicated students, who wish to be involved in the political process and work in government.

Interested students who are looking to develop their skills in organization, communication, leadership and research, are welcome to submit a resume and cover letter to

Interns will be placed in the Premier's Office, Ministers' Offices and the Liberal Caucus Service Bureau. Assignments may expose interns to the areas of communications, policy, research, special projects and data base. Interns will also participate in a variety of activities that will strengthen their leadership and team building skills.

The internship program runs from May 7th to August 24th at Queen's Park. All participants should be available for the entire length of the program.

The salary is $12.50 - $15.00 per hour based on a 35 hour work week.

The deadline to apply is February 3rd, 2012.
“Trumpet Call – Agriculture” Public Meeting

The Zimbabwean Community, Friends and Well wishers in Canada are invited to “Trumpet Call – Agriculture” Public Meeting:
Purpose of meeting:
To hear feedback and updates since the last meeting with Scott Marques in June 2011 and exchange ideas on how the Zimbabwean Diaspora and friends can participating in this simply and yet exiting vision to promote rural development in Zimbabwe.

Date: Saturday February 18, 2012
Time: 2:00PM to 4:00PM
Location: St. Hilda's Anglican Church located at 1258 Rebecca Street, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 1Z2.

Present: Scott Marques (Zimbabwe Chair for “The Trumpet Call – Agriculture”), Rev. Lindani Dube (General Secretary of the (Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe – EFZ. Trumpet Call – Agriculture Leadership)
For More Information, visit or;

Eddie Mushayandebvu
Charles Dengedza 416-500-6349