Thursday, January 12, 2012

Important Survey to be sent to members soon!

The survey that we mentioned in our past messages is almost complete and will be sent to you shortly. It is the single most important activity that we have ever asked you to do until now because it will help us to better understand your needs and priorities so that we can concentrate on those specific issues, programs and services that matter to you. For the organization to be relevant to the members we have to know what is that we need to focus on.
We cannot overemphasize the importance of the survey because it will determine the nature of the organization going forward. Members are encouraged to treat the survey with the urgency it deserves so that we don’t fall behind in our planning efforts to design and implement strategically important programs for the community support group.

Another important exercise that will come immediately after the survey is a focus groups exercise. A focus group is a formal discussion with 8–12 people on a specific topic. The group is facilitated by a leader who keeps participants focused on the topic of interest. The purpose of a focus group is to collect in-depth information from a group of people which represent the population of interest. More information on this exercise will be sent to you in due course.
The two objectives of our focus groups exercise will be to validate the results of the survey, and to provide an opportunity for members of the community support group to further elaborate on their survey responses. The results of the focus groups will help us understand, with a higher degree of accuracy, your needs and priorities. The next step after the focus groups will be a strategic planning session, which will entail defining a plan aimed at creating a desired future for our community support group. We will explore what we need to do to make possible our needs and priorities; how we do it and how we will excel in carrying out the needs and priorities of the community.

Thank you.
Pastor Rev. Elliot Gwaza

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